Wednesday 2 October 2013

PRISM Flash Game Is Hilarious with Edward Snowden

   Posted on  Wednesday, October 02, 2013  / 

Edward Snowden is now a criminal in the eyes of the U.S Government

Edward Snowden has become instantly famous after the US data collecting movement know as PRISM. Fortunately for game developers with their creative thoughts they took it as an opportunity to create a game called "Snowden's Leaks: The Game" that is not only new and timely but also fun and hilarious.

Snowden's Leaks : The Game

NSA spy on everyone and steals the data, in this game Edward Snowden whose cartoon image shows him wearing his familiar glasses. He will steal the data from the NSA and copy all of them in the flash drive. As the total data is collected by facing several obstacles along the way passing though security, avoiding camera detection, blocking agents, hiding beyond U.S flag, the funny thing here is even escaping from the President Obama.

They are many things in the game to safe Edward himself by hiding back the Photo Painting frame, U.S flag when player want to go undetected when security or agent arrives.

A level is ended once you throw the flash drives out the window where the date is collected from the computers, i.e., leaking the data to outside world and mark a grand escape when we go to exit door.

The game is created by a group of Dutch developer who claimed that they ware able to finalize the game in just three days. Aside from the Snowden PRISM game.

You could try it out online here .


Posted in: , , Posted on: Wednesday 2 October 2013
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